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2021 Australian Federal Budget commentary
Consistent with trends in past budgets, the 2021 Federal Budget saw the Commonwealth Treasurer identify a further A$15.2 billion in new spending on major infrastructure projects, keeping the decade-long infrastructure investment program at A$110 billion. This will spearhead the Federal Government's efforts to boost both jobs and productivity in the COVID-affected national economy.
11 May 2021
Investment Perspectives: ESG and listed real estate
Over the past decade, ESG awareness, focus and reporting has been increasing among asset owners, companies, and investors alike. The global listed real estate industry is no different, and as investors in this space we have seen significant improvements in recent years in ESG disclosure and initiatives.
Articles 6 min read
6 May 2021
Investment Perspectives: Six reasons to not worry about inflation
It’s that time in the cycle again. US bond markets and commentors are worried about inflation. But with US unemployment at 6.2%, should this be a concern?
Articles 7 min read
6 April 2021
Global Matters: Green hydrogen - a European case study
While the speed of ultimate decarbonisation remains unclear, there appears to be a real opportunity for multi-decade investment as every country moves towards a cleaner environment.
Articles 18 min read
23 March 2021
Quay Global Investors Insights
Investment Perspectives: Updating the ‘total return quilt’
The year 2020 was extraordinary for most risk assets. As we wrote in last month’s Investment Perspectives, the unprecedented fiscal response to the pandemic caught some investors wrong-footed.  
Articles 4 min read
3 March 2021
US flags
Investment Perspectives: Let’s get fiscal
The year 2020 will be remembered for many events. Besides COVID-19, there were the Australian bushfires and US political turmoil. 
Articles 7 min read
4 February 2021
road image
Global Matters: 4D's 2021 Outlook
To state the obvious, 2020 was a year like no other. The COVID-19 pandemic presented challenges the likes of which individuals, businesses and governments have never experienced before. The impact of this was to push an otherwise pretty robust global economy into recession, force lockdowns and create social dislocation on a previously unimaginable scale. 
Articles 19 min read
22 January 2021
Bond yields
Investment Perspectives: Revisiting REITs and interest rates
With the spectre of COVID-19 now diminishing in the wake of new vaccines, some investors are rightly refocusing their attention on longer-term risks and fundamentals.
Articles 5 min read
9 December 2020
Investment Perspectives: The economics of malls – myths and misconceptions
Chris Bedingfield addresses some of the myths and misconceptions of retail property to establish whether today’s depressed prices represent an opportunity or a trap.
Articles 8 min read
5 November 2020