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Investment Perspectives: Managing risk in the face of the coronavirus
What a difference a month makes. In mid-February, markets around the globe were continuing their history-making march upwards in one of the longest bull runs on record. Then March arrived, and so did the worry about COVID-19.
Articles 7 min read
6 April 2020
Investment Perspectives: In global real estate, does size matter?
In this issue of Investment Perspectives, we investigate the risks associated with investing in small / medium sized REITs and determine if the size of the company really does matter.
Articles 6 min read
3 March 2020
Global Matters: ESG at 4D
In this article, Sarah Shaw (Global Portfolio Manager & Chief Investment Officer) looks at: (1) the current state of play with Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) issues around the world; (2) corporate controversies that defined 2019; and (3) our approach to incorporating ESG factors into our investment process, demonstrating why ESG is so important to 4D.
Articles 10 min read
24 February 2020
Investment Perspectives: Six reasons we believe the global REIT market is inefficient
In this issue of Investment Perspectives, we cast a skeptical eye over the valuation, operational and risk metrics embraced by the market, which we believe can lead to poor long-term investment returns.
Articles 9 min read
4 February 2020
Investment Perspectives: 30 years of investment lessons from Japan, and the implications for real estate
Imagine a person of prime working age (~40 years old) seeking investment advice for long-term financial security, and ultimately, a comfortable retirement. The potential investment advice may look something like this:
10 December 2019
Investment Perspectives: Aussie QE may be coming, but it will probably do nothing
As Australian interest rates head toward zero, many market commentators are now speculating that the central bank will be forced to adopt “unconventional measures” to support the economy, including Quantitative Easing.
11 November 2019
Investment Perspectives: Negative bond yields - what does it mean, and what’s the end game?
Since the beginning of this year, financial markets and expectations have turned decidedly bearish. Concerns about a Sino-US trade war, along with the so-called ‘inversion’ of the US yield curve, have heightened apprehension of a US-led recession.
10 September 2019
Investment Perspectives: Where profits come from, and the vulnerabilities in Australian corporate earnings
Equity investors rejoiced in June as the Fed signaled it may cut interest rates, but interest rates do not drive long run equity performance - profits do. We take a look at why investors should spend less time thinking about or predicting what the Fed will do, and more time thinking about the purse strings controlled by Congress.
7 July 2019
Investment Perspectives: A conservative government, falling interest rates, and new APRA lending guidelines; w
The RBA recently cut its official interest rate by 25 basis points to a record low of 1.25%.
6 June 2019