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Investment Perspectives: The slow-moving beast - an update on global demographic trends
Investment Perspectives: The slow-moving beast - an update on global demographic trends
The study of populations is integral to real estate. Unlike the speculation, opinions and decisions of the most powerful in the world, nothing can stop the effect of demographics on the economy – it is the slow-moving beast that influences demand and thus resource allocation.
13 April 2018
Investment Perspectives: The theoretical construct of the capitalisation rate, and why it matters
At Quay, our approach to global real estate investing is somewhat different to our peers. 
7 December 2017
The Asian Century
Global Matters: The Asian Century
Greg Goodsell, Global Equity Strategist at 4D Infrastructure, examines the central tenets of this quote and how they suggest we are truly living in the Asian century.
19 September 2017
Investment Perspectives: Australia, the lucky country (or is it?)
Since 2012, one of Australia’s biggest economic threats has been the collapse in mining investment.
12 September 2017
Investment Perspectives: Beware the 'reflation trade'
In financial markets, if it looks certain, it probably isn’t.
26 April 2017
Global Matters: The emerging middle class and its implications for global investment
In our September 2016 Global Matters ‘Young tiger stalks ageing dragon’ we compared and contrasted India and China in terms of their economic and social development. What was clear from that paper was the exceptional rates of economic growth achieved by both nations over the recent past. A product of that growth is the emergence of a more affluent middle class within each society.
13 April 2017
Investment Perspectives: Looking beyond the house - global real estate compared
Some domestic investors seek diversification by coupling Australian shares with domestic investment property (usually residential).
21 March 2017
Global Matters: An All Black performance... just not in rugby!
4D Infrastructure’s Greg Goodsell (Global Equity Strategist) and Mark Jones (Senior Investment Analyst) compare and contrast NZ’s economic fortunes over the past decade with that of cross-ditch rival, Australia, asking the question: what can politicians in Australia learn from the NZ experience?
31 January 2017
Investment Perspectives: Australian Sovereign Credit Rating (AAA) - does it matter?
It’s the time of year when the nation’s economic eyes turn to the Federal Budget. The fact we have an election in the following weeks adds more than the usual scrutiny to the “bottom line”. Both sides of politics talk of “budget repair” and the need to get back to surplus.
10 May 2016