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Investment Perspectives: Hedging against inflation – gold or real estate?
In August last year, we highlighted that real estate (listed and direct) tends to outperform equities during periods of high inflation.
Articles 6 min read
5 April 2022
Global Matters: Russia-Ukraine conflict
The recent invasion of Ukraine by Russia was clearly a shocking event which, in 2022, was hoped would never happen again. At 4D, we are supporters of sanctions imposed on Russia and have reviewed our portfolio for Russian exposure (regardless of materiality), while conducting a deep dive into what this conflict means for the global infrastructure sector in the near and medium term.
Articles 12 min read
30 March 2022
News & Views: Opportunities in equity market volatility
Volatile markets often give rise to the best investment opportunities.
Articles 4 min read
22 March 2022
Investment Perspectives: Interest rates, bonds and listed real estate
Just as we seemed to be passing peak inflation (port access has been improving and second hand car prices declining), the recent attack by Russian forces into Ukraine has resulted in another spike in commodity prices.
Articles 6 min read
7 March 2022
News & Views: Labor’s emissions reduction plan
Achieving Net Zero carbon emissions is critical to long-term climate goals.
Articles 4 min read
24 February 2022
Global Matters: 2022 outlook
2022 is shaping up as potentially another challenging year, with the combined effects of the ongoing COVID crisis together with evolving inflationary pressures presenting governments and central banks around the world with some challenging policy decisions.
Articles 8 min read
7 February 2022
Investment Perspectives: House prices – what’s in store for 2022 and beyond
According to CoreLogic, Australian house prices increased +22.1%[1] in 2021, led by Australia’s largest city of Sydney (+25.3%).
Articles 8 min read
2 February 2022
News & Views: Biden’s Build Back Better legislation
During his 2020 election campaign, President Biden made commitments to relieve the economic hardship being experienced by a rising percentage of the US population, as well as fast-tracking decarbonisation of the economy to meet the challenge of global warming.
Articles 5 min read
27 January 2022
Global Matters: The Australian Way - roadmap to Net Zero emissions by 2050
The Australian Government recently released its plan to reach Net Zero emissions by 2050, finally joining the long list of countries already committed to achieving this target by 2050 or sooner.
Articles 9 min read
14 December 2021