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Investment Perspectives: Looking beyond the house - global real estate compared
Some domestic investors seek diversification by coupling Australian shares with domestic investment property (usually residential).
21 March 2017
Global Matters: An All Black performance... just not in rugby!
4D Infrastructure’s Greg Goodsell (Global Equity Strategist) and Mark Jones (Senior Investment Analyst) compare and contrast NZ’s economic fortunes over the past decade with that of cross-ditch rival, Australia, asking the question: what can politicians in Australia learn from the NZ experience?
31 January 2017
Investment Perspectives: Australian Sovereign Credit Rating (AAA) - does it matter?
It’s the time of year when the nation’s economic eyes turn to the Federal Budget. The fact we have an election in the following weeks adds more than the usual scrutiny to the “bottom line”. Both sides of politics talk of “budget repair” and the need to get back to surplus.
10 May 2016
Five reasons to invest in global listed infrastructure
Global listed infrastructure is a relatively new asset class, but it is becoming increasingly popular as an integral part of a truly diversified investment portfolio through its combination of attractive attributes.
26 April 2016
Investment Perspectives: Stock in focus Sun Communities (SUI)
Investment themes play an important part in the Quay investment process. Our regular readers would be aware of our favourable view towards parts of the US housing market.
12 April 2016
Investment Perspectives: Rising US cash rates - headwind for REITs or equities?
US Federal Reserve expected to begin cash rate tightening cycle for first time since May 2004. 
10 December 2015
Investment Perspectives: Why investing for total return, not relative return, makes sense
Like most asset classes, real estate offers investors a total return, comprising income and capital gain. Over time, the capital gain of a property asset reflects the growth in underlying rental income.
7 December 2015
Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: BoAML Real Estate Conference - thoughts and themes
Chris Bedingfield, Principal and Portfolio Manager at Quay Global Investors, shares key themes which emerged from meetings following the attendance of the Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Real Estate Conference held in New York.
14 October 2015
Investment Perspectives Listed real estate and rising interest rates - should we be concerned
Investment Perspectives: Listed real estate and rising interest rates - should we be concerned?
One of the more persistent themes in listed real estate today is the so-called headwinds of rising US (and global) interest rates. The narrative argues rising interest rates are negative for listed real estate prices. We believe there are a number of problems with this argument.
11 August 2015