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CPD_must know advice
CPD: The 5 must-know advice client metrics that underpin practice sustainability
This Best Practice CPD series is published by AdviserVoice and sponsored by Bennelong Funds Management.
Articles 3 min read
6 April 2023
IP_banks, balance sheets, bailouts
Investment Perspectives: Banks, balance sheets and bailouts
For listed real estate, the fear across markets during March was palpable. One could almost cut it like a knife.
Articles 10 min read
3 April 2023
The Interview: Jeff Chapman in conversation
The  founder of our parent company, Bangarra Family Office, shares a rare insight into his life, covering his upbringing, football career, entrepreneurship across various businesses, and philanthropic endeavours.
30 March 2023
Quay podcast: FORA - fear of renting again
Chris Bedingfield speaks with Bennelong’s Holly Old about the future of house prices in Australia, the fear of renting again, and what history has taught us about the next global crisis.
Podcasts 15 min listen
27 March 2023
Quay Global Investors Insights
Central bank policy and rising interest rates a distraction for Australians
Focusing on central bank policy is more of a distraction than anything else for Australians looking to purchase property, according to Chris Bedingfield, principal and portfolio manager of global real estate fund manager, Quay Global Investors.  
News 3 min read
21 March 2023
Skerryvore Global Emerging Markets All-Cap Equity Fund receives Morningstar rating and award
"This award is a reflection of all the hard work the team has put in since establishing Skerryvore three years ago."
17 March 2023
II_the wrap on reporting season
Investment Insights: The wrap on reporting season
In the post GFC environment, many investors focused principally on one number during reporting season – revenue growth.
Articles 6 min read
17 March 2023
CPD_A family affair
CPD: A family affair – the challenges of retaining intergenerational wealth
This Best Practice CPD series is published by AdviserVoice and sponsored by Bennelong Funds Management.
Articles 4 min read
7 March 2023
Trip Insights: Americas
This is the 12th in our series of Trip Insights where we share our travel experiences. It follows a trip taken by Sarah Shaw, Global Portfolio Manager, to Mexico and North America in January 2023.
Articles 20 min read
28 February 2023