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Quay_Livewire web banner_Part 3_230227
Why the true value of real estate comes back to the cost to rebuild
Using comparable sales as a measure of value for real estate is a trap. Here's how you should be valuing property instead.
Videos 6 min watch
27 February 2023
Quay_Livewire web banner_Part 2_230227
The silver tsunami about to hit global property markets
One of the biggest opportunities in property markets is starting to hit, and Quay argues it's largely economically insensitive.
Videos 6 min watch
20 February 2023
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Don’t be distracted by the RBA when it comes to residential property
House prices and interest rates are hot topics, but it's not the complete residential property story.
Videos 7 min watch
13 February 2023
IP_10 charts for optimism
Investment Perspectives: 10 charts for optimism in 2023
The macroeconomic outlook has been uncertain for the past few years, with many bracing themselves for a recession. However, recent data suggests that inflation may have been transitory, and there's been some positive growth across the housing, energy and job sectors. 
Articles 9 min read
10 February 2023
CPD_best practice client engagement
CPD: Best practice client engagement – understanding women as the drivers of investment growth
This Best Practice CPD series is published by AdviserVoice and sponsored by Bennelong Funds Management. 
Articles 4 min read
10 February 2023
News & Views: China re-opening post COVID
After three years of restrictions, mass testing and rolling snap lockdowns under its ‘zero-COVID’ policy, China has officially signaled its intention to join the rest of the world in living with COVID.
Articles 5 min read
9 February 2023
CPD_ scaling worry
CPD: Scaling the wall of worry – a 10-point checklist for communicating volatility
This Best Practice CPD series is published by AdviserVoice and sponsored by Bennelong Funds Management. 
Articles 2 min read
24 January 2023
GM_2023 outlook
Global Matters: 2023 outlook
While the macroeconomic outlook for 2023 remains uncertain, some green shoots have recently emerged. At 4D, we remain optimistic for infrastructure fundamentals in 2023 and beyond.
Articles 14 min read
17 January 2023
Sarah livewire
This could be the investment theme of the decade
Flexible, diverse, predictable, and exposed to major global trends. In this Livewire article, Global Portfolio Manager and CEO/CIO, Sarah Shaw, tells journalist, Sara Allen, why infrastructure has it all. 
Articles 2 min read
13 January 2023