Investing in Australian listed equities via concentrated and differentiated portfolios
Bennelong Australian Equity Partners (BAEP) is a boutique fund manager focused on investing in Australian listed equities. The business was founded in 2008 by Mark East in partnership with Bennelong Funds Management, and is an award-winning and highly-rated fund manager. As Chief Investment Officer, Mark East is responsible for the five funds BAEP manages on behalf of its retail and institutional clients. He is supported by an experienced team of senior investment analysts.
As active investors, BAEP aims to outperform the market’s long-term gain via a research-intensive and high conviction approach, aiming to deliver a superior return for clients.
Our funds
A high conviction ‘core’ fund that aims to grow investment value over the long term via a combination of capital growth and income, by investing in a diversified portfolio of Australian shares. It typically holds 25-50 securities across the spectrum of the Australian share market (primarily from the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index).
A portfolio of BAEP’s best high-conviction picks that aims to grow investment value over the long term via a combination of capital growth and income, by investing in a diversified portfolio of Australian shares. It typically holds 20-35 securities, primarily from the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index.
Primarily selects securities from the S&P/ASX 300 Accumulation Index, excluding the top 20. It offers genuine diversification and greater exposure to the rich opportunity set outside of the largest 20 securities, in order to add value and complement investors’ existing Australian equities holdings.
Provides exposure to the S&P/ASX300 universe through a combination of actively managed ex-20 securities and a passive exposure to the top 20 securities. It aims to give investors a cost-effective opportunity to access BAEP’s proven ex-20 strategy combined with an index position in the top 20.
Provides exposure to small-cap and micro-cap securities listed on the ASX. As these are often less well known and researched, BAEP aims to be disciplined in focusing on higher quality and lower risk options that they believe have solid growth prospects.