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Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: 10 interesting charts right now - COVID-19 edition
Chris Bedingfield takes a look at 10 interesting charts right now that show the impact of COVID-19 across sectors and countries.
Articles 7 min read
7 July 2020
Global Matters Direct and listed infrastructure - complementary portfolio allocations
4D Infrastructure
Global Matters: Direct and listed infrastructure - complementary portfolio allocations
In this article, Senior Investment Analyst Peter Aquilina and Global Portfolio Manager Sarah Shaw discuss why 4D Infrastructure believes direct and listed allocations complement each other in portfolio construction.
Articles 16 min read
25 June 2020
Investment Perspectives Real estate and COVID-19 - the story so far
Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: Real estate and COVID-19 - the story so far
In this edition of Investment Perspectives, we examine why real estate has lagged the broader equity market in the recent rally, and how it could represent a significant opportunity.
Articles 7 min read
8 June 2020
Investment Perspectives: Explaining the April US equity bounce
Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: Explaining the April US equity bounce
In this article, Chris Bedingfield explores why, despite US unemployment heading for levels not seen since the Great Depression, US equity indices are back to October 2019 levels after a sharp recovery in April – and what the Kalecki-Levy profit equation has to do with it.
Articles 7 min read
1 May 2020
Buy time looming
4D Infrastructure
Global Matters: Global listed infrastructure - 'Buy' time looming?
In this edition of Global Matters, Sarah Shaw (4D CIO & Global Portfolio Manager) revisits listed infrastructure’s unique and compelling characteristics, outlining why 4D continues to love the sector and why we believe it will be central to the global economic recovery when it comes.
Articles 21 min read
16 April 2020
Crisis, recession - opportunity?
Bennelong Funds Management
Crisis, recession - opportunity?
In a world of uncertainty and occasional panic, it can feel impossible to see past the bad news. Just ask anyone watching the volatility in investment markets across the world as stocks tumble and spike.
Articles 1 min read
9 April 2020
Trip Insights: United States: North East, Mid West and the South
4D Infrastructure
Trip Insights: United States: North East, Mid West and the South
This is the ninth in our series of Trip Insights, where we share those experiences. It follows a trip during February/March 2020 when Peter Aquilina, 4D Senior Investment Analyst, completed an extensive company engagement and calling program in the United States meeting with management teams from Oil & Gas Infrastructure, Regulated Utilities and Renewables.
Articles 18 min read
9 April 2020
Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: Managing risk in the face of the coronavirus
What a difference a month makes. In mid-February, markets around the globe were continuing their history-making march upwards in one of the longest bull runs on record. Then March arrived, and so did the worry about COVID-19.
Articles 7 min read
6 April 2020
4D Infrastructure
The impact of COVID-19 on emerging markets
How will the impacts of COVID-19 differ between emerging markets and their developed counterparts?
Articles 4 min read
3 April 2020