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Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: Australia, the lucky country (or is it?)
Since 2012, one of Australia’s biggest economic threats has been the collapse in mining investment.
12 September 2017
Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: Why (sustained) low interest rates are not always good for real estate
It has been an interesting month in the world of central banking. Talks of removing monetary stimulus in Europe and further increases in interest rates in the US continue to affect markets.  Even in Australia, recent RBA board discussions regarding the ‘neutral cash rate’ have pundits predicting medium term increases in the official cash rates.
22 August 2017
Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: Finding Monopoly's 'orange squares' in property investing
In the board game Monopoly, research has shown that on average, the orange squares are among the best investment propositions on the board. 
4 August 2017
4D Infrastructure
Global Matters: All aboard the new Silk Road
If the President of the world’s most populous nation, with the second largest and one of the fastest growing economies, invites you to a huge economic growth party to reshape Asia that he will host and fund, and which he personally described as ‘the project of the century’ that will ‘add splendour to human civilisation’: would you attend?
27 June 2017
Quay Global Investors
Technology 'echo boomers' and aging population set to boost global property returns
Global real estate is one of nine major asset classes. However, many may not know it has ranked in the top five asset classes for 13 of the past 17 years, and should play a larger role in Australian investors’ portfolios, says Chris Bedingfield, Principal and Portfolio Manager with Quay Global Investors.
24 May 2017
4D Infrastructure
Infrastructure a $3 trillion opportunity for all market cycles
The combination of defensive attributes, huge investment needs, and the diverse nature of available infrastructure assets, makes infrastructure investments an attractive allocation in both rising and falling markets, says Sarah Shaw, Chief Investment Officer at 4D Infrastructure.
23 May 2017
Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: Australian house prices and the law of unintended consequences
Are we nearing a tipping point? Topic of the week, month, year and decade. Australian house prices.
11 May 2017
Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: Beware the 'reflation trade'
In financial markets, if it looks certain, it probably isn’t.
26 April 2017
4D Infrastructure
Global Matters: The emerging middle class and its implications for global investment
In our September 2016 Global Matters ‘Young tiger stalks ageing dragon’ we compared and contrasted India and China in terms of their economic and social development. What was clear from that paper was the exceptional rates of economic growth achieved by both nations over the recent past. A product of that growth is the emergence of a more affluent middle class within each society.
13 April 2017