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Quay Global Investors
Chris Bedingfield discusses the Quay Global Real Estate Fund
Chris Bedingfield, Principal and Portfolio Manager at Quay Global Investors discusses how the investment team is aligned with the interests of investors and the themes available via the Quay Global Real Estate Fund.
4 May 2017
Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: Beware the 'reflation trade'
In financial markets, if it looks certain, it probably isn’t.
26 April 2017
4D Infrastructure
Global Matters: The emerging middle class and its implications for global investment
In our September 2016 Global Matters ‘Young tiger stalks ageing dragon’ we compared and contrasted India and China in terms of their economic and social development. What was clear from that paper was the exceptional rates of economic growth achieved by both nations over the recent past. A product of that growth is the emergence of a more affluent middle class within each society.
13 April 2017
BLSEM banner insights
Bennelong Long Short Equity Management
Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund's founder retires, co-portfolio manager to take the lead
Richard Fish, founder of the Bennelong Long Short Equity Fund and the Bennelong Market Neutral Fund, is announcing his retirement after 15 years of exceptional service, effective on 1 July 2017.
11 April 2017
Quay Global Investors
Investment Perspectives: Looking beyond the house - global real estate compared
Some domestic investors seek diversification by coupling Australian shares with domestic investment property (usually residential).
21 March 2017
Bennelong Long Short Equity Management
Bennelong Long Short Equity Management: Meet the team
Bennelong Long Short Equity Management (BLSEM) discuss team dynamics and what makes their strategy so different and robust.
13 March 2017
Quay Global Investors
Beyond bricks and mortar - insights into global listed real estate
Chris Bedingfield, Principal and Portfolio Manager at Quay Global Investors, discusses the global investment opportunities presented by listed real estate
2 March 2017
Divergent outlook for local and global markets
Bennelong Funds Management
Divergent outlook for local and global markets
While reporting season will set the scene for the year ahead, investors can expect a subdued local economy and share market in 2017, while the international backdrop will be more positive, according to Bennelong Funds Management boutique asset management partners. 
2 February 2017
Bennelong insights banner 1
Bennelong Funds Management
Bennelong expands distribution into New Zealand
New Zealand advisers can now invest in nine of Bennelong Funds Management’s (Bennelong) funds.
1 February 2017