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In keeping with our promise to be partners of high performance, we’ve been unequivocal in our search for like-minded partners with whom we have both a cultural and operational alignment.

Our boutiques are all the majority owners of their businesses and have their own distinctive philosophy and approach to investing. However, they all believe in the importance of responsible and sustainable investment, and have integrated ESG factors within their investment processes as part of their overall investment stewardship responsibilities.

4D Infrastructure

Responsible investment at 4D (webpage)
4D Responsible Investment and Stewardship Report (pdf)
4D Responsible Investment Policy (pdf)
4D Engagement Policy (pdf)
4D Proxy Voting Policy (pdf)
Global Matters: ESG at 4D (article)

Bennelong Australian Equity Partners

For a copy of BAEP’s Responsible Investment Policy, contact our Client Experience team

Quay Global Investors

Responsible investment at Quay (webpage)
Quay Responsible Investment and Stewardship Report (pdf)
Quay Responsible Investment Policy (pdf)
Quay Climate Change Policy (pdf)
Quay Engagement Policy (pdf)
Quay Proxy Voting Policy (pdf)
Investment Perspectives: ESG and listed real estate (article)

Skerryvore Asset Management

Sustainability (webpage)
Skerryvore Sustainability Philosophy & Policy Guidelines (pdf)

Touchstone Asset Management

Responsible investment at Touchstone (webpage)
Touchstone Responsible Investment Policy (pdf)